Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)

It would be interesting to know what other things interest the audiophiles who are obviously so passionate about hi fi and Audiogon. I am similarly obsessively interested in cars and motorcycles. What are your interests?
My husband and I have completely renovated our last two homes - I do most of the design work, he does the execution.

I am also an avid gardener. I currently have over 200 roses in my rose garden, all flourishing. My husband and I have done all the landscaping on our current country home.

We travel extensively - my position requires it of me. We are both history buffs - love the international museum circuit [history, art and especially science]. We have collected some wonderful not too expensive art reproductions in the process.

I am an accomplished pianist - not jazz; classical.
I play the violin.
I write stories and novels.
I train bird dogs, collect shotguns, and travel to shoot. I've met some very nice people in all the above, and a few in audio, also.
Thought I would be close to last to respond because my other
hobbies are kind of obscure.
1. Astrophotography; absolute patience to get good pictures;
need to know everything about astronomy AND photography to get great pictures. Need very specialized equipment; an excellent rig will cost not less than $10K but typically
$20K-$50K upwards to $200K is not uncommon, upwards to$1
million been known. Unfortunately only other amateur astronomers appreciate the pictures you take unless its from Hubble Telescope, though we are getting closer. On a scale of 0-100, I am about a 25; there are some absolutely,
truly gifted astrophotographers.

2. WW II living history, sort of like the civil war reenactors but more fun. Where else do you get to ride around in tanks, armored cars (8 wheelers with all wheel,
all steer, all drive, 6 speeds forward, 6 speeds reverse,
2 drivers). Get to fire 75mm howitzers, 81mm mortars,
machine guns, machine pistols. Drive WW2 motorcycles, like BMW, Harley Davidson,and Indians. Hang a round with a bunch
of wackos who love WW2 history and love to own a machine gun. (it is legal to own a machine gun in Maryland, you have
to give up your right to search warrants, the ATF insists.)
No, I do not own one, not because I don't want one but because of cost, a very good WW2 one costs ca $20k and upwards, forget about a tank, a German Panther (if one were ever for sale) would cost over $10 million++++++. Armored
cars with a machine gun in good condition about $150K. People do own and USE them. And WW2 airplanes, a P51, about
$2 million, A B-17, maybe $5 million. Guess what people
own them!!!! What is great is a grunt can get away with less than $500 and enjoy the hobby immensely!!!! And imparting to others the deeds and ordeals our ancestors
endured. A very satisfying hobby.
Well I guess there are many thing I enjoy doing being married w/ 2 kids 8&6 there activites have also become my hobbies My wife & son are my fishing partners 12 to 15 trips a year to Eastern Washington (rufus woods lake which is part of the columbia river its between Grand Coulle Dam and Cheif Joesuph dam 50 miles long)
I have made all my furiture in our house. I have been doing that since high school 20 years ago, Man Im getting old. I am down to 1 project a year I did a currio cabinet this year. In the summer I am very satisfied working in the yard spring through fall I could spend all day doing that in fact I was out there 4 hours today 3 days before Christmas (crazy) . But my favorite time is in the evenings after kids are down about 9pm me and the little lady sit down to spin a couple albums. David