Good Stuff Cheap

I thought maybe a thread like this may be useful. How about a listing of equipment that's cheap and performs WAY beyond expectations. To qualify, the item must be under $500 (new or used)for an electronic component and under $100 for wire. Try to include comparisons to other equipment.

I'll start off with the Musical Fidelity X-Can Version 2.0. Not as a headphone amp but as a pre-amp! I was noticing that some headphone amps can double as a pre-amp and the X-Can sounded pretty good thru my cans so I went to Radio Shack, got an adapter and ran the headphone output into the rest of my system.

Oh my! Detail, warmth, dynamics and musicallity like you read about. All for $250....NEW! Replacing the standard wall wart with the MF outboard power supply ($195)tightened things up even further. Looks funky with the "alien rectal probe" coming out the front, cables attached. It only has one input, but man does it sound good! As good as my Transcendance & Rogue 66.
I can also recommend Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 pre-amp that can sometimes be found used for under $500.-- good features and excellent sound quality. I used one for years, and then sold it for $475. here on Agon. Craig
CAL Gamma DAC. Bought direct from CAL for $99. I know its obsolete, but so am I. Great addition for my CD player until all the digital technology debate settles down and prices on hardware and software come down. Regards.
Vandersteen 1B's are available for <$ 500 used, as is the older NAD receiver I have, powering them quite nicely. As I have auditioned them against B & W and a slew of other speakers/amps in this price range, I can say they are a true audio bargain. With a Linn Sondek LP-12 as the front end, and the $ 5.50/ft solid silver Tributary speaker cables(good bass and detail), you can really hear what this speaker/receiver combo can do, and it is holding its own in this fast company. It actually is more enjoyable than my extensive HT setup downstairs, at least with vinyl. And the HT system has about $ 10,000(new) worth of separates and speakers. (Yamaha DSPA1, Adcom GFA6000, Toshiba SD5109, PhaseTech cabinets out the yin-yang). My feeling is that the 1B's(or 1c's if you must) are a more successful design than the Vandy 2's, except maybe the 2CE Signatures.
Another bargain, for HT, would be the Adcom GFA 6000 amp I am using, which again is under $ 500 used, and will deliver
all the high current juice you will probably need, especially if you run powered subs( a must for HT IMHO).
Some otherwise good HT amps/rcvrs need help from a separate power amp and this is a cost effective solution. It runs very cool as well. Tight midbass and all around control is excellent. I heard 3 and 4,000 dollar HT units from Marantz, Denon, Yamaha, etc. which were simpering underachievers compared to the effect of going pre-out to this unit. The GFA 7400 is also great, but probably harder to get under $500. But that's HT.
Kinda like playing high-low, isn't it? I'll go low. Pass and Seymour L1 LeGrand outlet, $10. Compared to a standard wall outlet there is a clearer and cleaner image. To quote Dave Barry, "...I lost 17 pounds in 5 minutes without excercise and I feel great". Of course, he was writing about the book, "There Are No Electrons".

Try MITerminator 2 Interconnects -- $80.00 for a 1 meter pair. They can be purchased mail order from Audio Advisor. Want to save EVEN more money on wire?? Then try the MITerminator 3 Interconnects for just $45.00 for a 1 meter pair. These interconnects (both the MITerminator 2 and the MITerminator 3) are routinely being offered for 50% off of their suggested MSRP's everyday. And if you were to allow me JUST A LITTLE more leeway, then I am inclined to include to the MITerminator 2 Speaker Cables also. These are being offered at the Audio Advisor for just $120.00 for an 8 ft. pair. I have tied my whole system together using this stuff and I cannot say enough about it. The overall sound of my system is VERY clean and VERY clear. Their is plenty of resolution in the mid band, expansion in the soundstage, depth and space well into the stage itself, with a more open top end and conceivably, more extension and tightness in the lower registers. It sure makes my $550.00 list price (but I bought it used for $250.00) Adcom GFA-545 Mk.II power amplifier sound more like one that costs about $2,000.00. After hearing this stuff time and time again, it makes me wonder why do people continue to spend as much money on wire to tie their systems together as I would spend on a decent used car. I just don't get it.

Regards to you, 1953.....
