Snow Leopard and audio quality

I just took the trouble of making a clean install of Snow Leopard on my dedicated MacMini systems with iTunes 9.

I am convinced that the new software and the clean install have made an extraordinary improvement in my computer & DAC-based music systems.

Tonality, depth, detail, soundstage, musicality: all seem to have improved in dramatic ways.

Has anyone else had the same experience?
We are also finding very positive sonic improvements with the latest iTunes / Snow Leopard. With iTunes, this seems to have been a trend all along with even the "minor" iTunes updates (the ones that happen monthly/quarterly). Some don't improve the playback quality at all, but other minor updates do actually improve the playback quality. All for free! Thank god that Apple hasn't figured out they could actually charge audiophiles for these improved sounding updates ;-)
Can someone explain what is meant by a "clean install"? Can it be done on a general purpose iMac or is this only for dedicated Macs used in music systems?

Clean install means reformat the hard disk and install Snow Leopard from scratch, as opposed to installing it over an older OS like Leopard or Tiger as an upgrade.

I had done a clean install of Snow Leopard on my Mini but I didn't notice any sound improvement.
When you do a clean install, do you lose files and programs (Word) and documents? I guess you'd use the auto back up I do on an external 1TB drive.
Mst, Yes, you will lose all files and programs so make sure you backup everything first. Since my Mini is a dedicated music server and my iTunes library is on external hard drives, I can do clean install without any trouble.