Which record brush?

Anybody got any strong preferences between the Audioquest and Hunt EDA brushes? Does either one do a better job picking up (vs. moving around) dust? And would either be easier for my wife to use?
Not to change subject but like this home brew (tech at VPI told me recipie) empty out 1 gal of distilled water in pot dump 1 pt. of rubbing alcohol in add 2 or 3 drops of dish liquid (clear if possible) and get some stuff from a photo shop called Kodak photo flow.You'll have to buy a big bottle but se lavie.Use only 2 or 3 drops.Photoflow reduces the surface adhesion which allows the water to spread more even and thuroughly on the record.Great for machines.With thmoney you save over costly comercial stuff you can justify a VPI 1`6.5.Built like a tank.Seal the seams with spar marine varnish.Buy one if you dig records and plan to get more!
Czaz this all makes good sense esp. the photoflow, which sure worked great in the darkroom. I'll have to see, I might still have a bottle?
But what's this about the marine spar varnish? That went right over the top, so please do explain? thanks...
I agree with fzxguy, the design of the Hunt strikes me as silly. The AQ is similar in design to the Decca, which I also like.

Tangent: I just picked up the Zerodust stylus cleaner from Music Direct. This thing costs $70 and probably should cost $3.50, but it seems to work great. It is an ultrasoft plastic substance about the size of a quarter, onto which you lower your stylus. Then raise the arm back up and--voila!--clean as a whistle (I'm assuming the unit itself leaves no residue, a big assumption), while a nice deposit of black gunk is left on the Zerodust. Fun to use, instant gratification.
Drubin: You coulda saved saved $68.00 and got a ball of Silly Putty for $2.00. I'm not kidding. My Linn dealer recommended it to me and it works great!