Raise the power cond. off the floor? Hey I'm gonna try that! I have a Chang Lightspeed 3200 & a 9900 Amp; they even came with spikes but I never used them - doh! Thanks!
Glass shelves - No No is right!
Now here's a few more basic tweaks for harshness that I thought of... (1)Basic contact cleaning: signal cables, spkr. cables, AC cables, AC receptacles (de-energize first!) clean everything with pipe cleaners dipped in Kontact (best) or even denatured alcohol is better than nothing at all. (2) Burnish all AC cord plugs with crocus cloth (best) or even an eraser - follow by contact cleaning. (3)Install a better AC receptacle in that apartment's wall. Try to pick up a Hubbel or at least a 20A Leviton industrial grade receptacle. Sure $15 or $20 is a pricey outlet, but is a really cheap upgrade considering the sonic enhancement.
Glass shelves - No No is right!
Now here's a few more basic tweaks for harshness that I thought of... (1)Basic contact cleaning: signal cables, spkr. cables, AC cables, AC receptacles (de-energize first!) clean everything with pipe cleaners dipped in Kontact (best) or even denatured alcohol is better than nothing at all. (2) Burnish all AC cord plugs with crocus cloth (best) or even an eraser - follow by contact cleaning. (3)Install a better AC receptacle in that apartment's wall. Try to pick up a Hubbel or at least a 20A Leviton industrial grade receptacle. Sure $15 or $20 is a pricey outlet, but is a really cheap upgrade considering the sonic enhancement.