Cable / Upgrade Recommendation

I am consider upgrading to new cables for my 2-channel system(Adcom GCD 750 / Morrison ELAD / Audiosource Amp2 bridged / NHT VT1.2 / MIT T2 cables), and I am not sure which cables to try. The system sounds a bit bright, so perhaps cables with warmer characteristics? I understand that the T2 are already on the warm side; maybe I should consider upgrading something else? FYI, I listen to mostly jazz and classical.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
Hey, the RCA cable that came with the Morrisson ELAD is as good if not better than any cable available, it's RLC parameters are precisely what is reguired for audio signal transmission. I have used the Elad and the suppied cable as reference components for about a year now and believe both are amoung the very very best in transparency and value. IMHO, forget "warmer" and look for the more likely sources of "brightness". Are you convinced it is system brightness vs bright recordings and a resolute system. I bet your system sounds fantastic! Look at getting $100 worth of auralex wall treatment-it works and it looks cool- and a dozen new cd's and time to listen....then if later you must spend look at new speakers ...Morrison's new speakers should be available soon...if the speakers are like the ELAD then life doesn't get much better!!!
MGS, I am using Transparent Ultra between Sony 9000es/dvd/cd/sacd and ARC ls-15, Balanced Ultra to Proceed HPA2 and Super-biwire to ML Aerius i. I started off several years back with "music wave+" line and was fortunate enough to have a salesman and dealer that gave me a good deal to trade up into the premium line. Once there Transparents' trade up program took over. I hope to upgrade the speaker cables next. I never could have afforded to start at this level.
Hey Stu_pidaso,
The "garden-variety" cable that I am using between the CDP and the ELAD is indeed the cables that Don sent along with the ELAD! As for the source of brightness, given that I have noticed the problem across various recordings (redbook and HDCD), I believe it's a system problem...
BTW, between which components would you recommend the Morrison cable? Source to preamp, or preamp to amp?
As for the wall treatment, it might not be an option for now since I am renting my apt and the landlord isn't too crazy about me putting stuff on the wall, haha...
BTW, I can't help but notice your excitement over Don's products. Do you use his speakers in your system, or have you heard it before in another system?

Thanks for the compliment. Truthfully, other than the slight brightness problem, I am quite satisfied with my budget system!
Actually I had the HTS 3 inches from the floor before the cones. Just considering that the electronics inside are in the same vibration environment prompted me to try the cones. I believe is a vibration thing on top of the elevation from floor because I already had that.
Tell us what do you find after trying
To Sol322. Thanks for the great tip on raising your monster power conditioner off the floor. I have one also and I followed your advice but I used vibrapods sitting on tiles with dr. scholls abrasive skin rubs cut into cubes on top of the pods. The monster now sits on top of this....damn if it doesn't work....It's as if the notes are even fuller...scary good.....great idea....thanks again...cheers, Bluenose The feeling of hearing into the music is noticeably better...