Thorens TD-520, any value?

Hello all:

Is it worth finding and buying a power supply, and cartridge
for this turntable? I know nothing about it, other than it looks very nice (I don't think it has been played much and it does not apperar to have been abused)?

BTW, it has a SME 3013R, arm.
If it says: "Umin 18V AC / Imax 250mA, 50/60 HZ," all you need is a wall-wart transformer that can output 18V AC at a minimum of 250mA. You can buy such from Radio Shack or any of a number of mail-order houses like Mouser or PartsExpress. However, considering your professed ignorance, the problem will be getting the right connector set up.

BTW, the Thorens likes more than 250mA, if available.
kr4: unfortunately, the ignorance is not merely professed. By the "right connector", I assume you mean finding the right size to mate with the connection on the back of the turntable?

Best, Dave.
It's a simple job for anyone with some audio/electronics experience. BTW, if you find a technician to do it, I have the schematics for it.