Opinions on XLO, Tara Lab, Synergistic

Anyone knowing information between the XLO Limited edition, Tara Labs "The One" and the Synergistic Designer Reference interconnects. I can not decide which one to purchase for use between my DAC and Pre Amp. RCA configuration. Your opinion is greatly needed, thanks.
Here is what I suggest having no experience with the exact cables you mention, though familiar with and run two of the three makes, not models. Goto audioreview.com and into the cable pages. Choose a cable, any cable, it does not matter which one. When that whatever cable window you choose pops up, you will see, in the upper right hand corner of the window, several links to "cable reviews." Dig through there and I am sure there will be a review on some, if not all of the cables you are asking about. I seem to recall one review that directly compares the XLO LE to the Tara to one other, though the digital links.
If you are based in the US, contact CableCompany (www.fatwyre.com). They have a cable library which they lend cables to try. They charge a fee which is deducted from your purchase.
J thunders. I have found the best search for reviews is Google.com. It seems to come up with everything out there. At least it has with the searches I have attempted.