Has anyone tried Signal Cable?

I came across this site through one of the post on this page. They seem to have a full line of cables at a decent price. I have been considering Virtual Dynamics cables but I would be able to afford to do my entire system for 3 months. My main concern is power cables.

Any feedback would be appreciated.
I have been using Signal speaker cables and interconnects for the past 6 months and I like their performance very much ... very neutral sounding with Musical Fidelity and NAD integrated amplifiers. I have never tried one of Frank's power cords, but at $60 or so, they seem like a good deal and Frank stands behind his products. The combination that I do use is a Cardas Twinlink Power Cord ($85; http://www.welbornelabs.com/powerconn.htm) with the Signal speaker cables & interconnects.
Yes they are awesome for the money, I too have had better experiences with Signal Analog 2 interconnect over some 500.00 a meter stuff, it is certainly not the best at any price, but very well worth the money. I very much prefered Signal power cord to the Virtual Dynamics Power 3.
Meech33, You mentioned vd but couldn't do it for three months! IMO it's better to take your time and buy what sounds good to you even if it takes 6 months, rather than buying PC becuase there cheap and you can buy all them now! If your not going to change components for a while then the PC upgrade would be ok. Dedicated lines along with good wall outlets should be on the list and you may consider this before the PC upgrade!
Happy Listening!
I found Frank at Signal Cable to be very responsive, and his stuff is an outstanding value for the money. And that's the thing to remember, in my opinion, about Signal Cable products.

Outstanding value aside, I did not find the power cable or the interconnects to be the equal of items that cost "5 or 10 times as much", as some have claimed.

Great for the money? Absolutely. Giant Killers? Not in my system. But, you know how cables are.......