Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor

There is a lot of good info on this site....and good minds as well. So I would like to hear a few experiences any of you might have had.
I run a slighty Modified Audionics CC-2 driving a set of Pro Ac Tab/2's.
I love the speakers and the sound I have but am very tired of the garden hose Audio Advisor cables that connect them. I have had to resort to cable ties to keep the things on the stands. (Silly putty gives up after a while with a horizontal pull.)
This all.....kind of being driven by my wife crying out in disgust at the looks of the system.

I am very sensitive to the top end, and lean towards all the information being passed rather than the "smooth" rolled off character some folks seem to prefer.

Without getting into the "shun-mookie and tice clock" ozone layer, what have you folks found for manageable, quality seamless cable that is not the size of garden hose??

My wife would very much like the roll of Radio Shack 18 guage. Don't understand her issue though...... Doesn't everyone have a packed 7 foot metal studio rack in thier living room?
Hmm, I did not realize I had "cracked" on fostex....
I merely was trying to get out the idea that all of the systems listed on his website seem to be of a single driver nature.
Actually, I have "set ears on them". I was not impressed. They certainly were nice in the mids, but that is all that was there.
I have a guess at your ears......45 plus years of age with decreasing high sensitivity. My hearing runs a bit higher than average, hence....I need some highs. (I like a little bass too......)
FYI, I heard the little fostex system on a Krell KSA??80 with no preamp at all and a very nice d/a with what I think was about an 800.00 pot for the volume control..... I would call that minimal signal path.
I know the amp and had heard the d/a on another was anything but rolled off, yet the highs in those speakers were just not there.
What can I say? I like more than veggies on my plate.
(But I do love Vegans, they taste just like chicken when cooked to perfection.)

PS.... I dont have to duck and run... I am made of clay, remember ;)
Lighten up, dude.. s'all good. :)
Three pairs of interconnect and a set of speaker wire (with enough left over to wire my parents' speakers) for $600? I call that a bargain, especially when you consider what they do for your sound. In all honesty, I had always been somewhat suspicious of suposed cable differences, but these things have made me (as well as every non-audiofreak friend that I have a/b'd them with) a believer.
Gumbydammit, you were amazingly accurate at guessing my age/ears. Only off by 1 year! I'm 46. Although I can still hear highs ok. I did some mods to my Fostex drivers impedance characteristics to extend the high and low ends. Worked out well. I agree the normal response is rolled off. It's a shame that more people don't mod these drivers, as really good response can be had from them, within reason, for the size/type of driver.
Gumby: No, I am in LA (and don't get out much:-). I have heard good reports on the speakers (that I think you are mentioning), but find them to be priced too high for the US market (unless the crossover and/or cabinet is super expensive for some reason).