What am I missing out on here - Bi- wiring Speaker

Here on Audiogon people suggesting and recommending,if you do not used two individual runs of cables or a shotgun biwire configuration.Then you can use a jumper cables.I am
using a 6 inch set of jumper.They are recommending 30 inches of jumper cables or 1 meter long.What is the ( Sonic difference) that I am missing out on here. Short is not better here and why not. Thank YOU
Who is they?

If you do not want to use biwiring (which is usually better, but more expensive), the jumper wire should be short.

What you're missing out on here is a common-sense approach. Shorter is indeed better, unless you're trying to use wires as non-adjustable tone controls, in which case verrrry long is better. Now, the shortest distance between two sets of binding posts is the little metal strip that came with your speakers. If you think replacing these with something else sounds better, then replace them. But make sure they sound better to YOU. How they sound to anybody else isn't important.
I don't understand it, but I have heard cable companies say that they will not make speaker cables shorter than one meter. There is some type of sonic effect which does not take place if the run is too short. I wish I remembered this better!

Some might say it's just a money issue and the companies are trying to make an extra buck, but the difference in cost between a one meter pair and 1.5 meters is extremely small, so I doubt this is the issue.
It really is a case of what you are gaining. If you have not tried biwiring yet you arent missing anything. The effect of biwiring on your speakers in your system only has as much value as you place on it. I know a lot of people who did not like the result that came of biwiring their biwirable speakers-did not like having to run extra wire or the sound quality that resulted. I know a few people who own B&W speakers-as I do,who felt biwiring made their speaker sound over blown.I definately feel my speakers-B&W 602s2 and cdm1 nts, benefit from the additional wire. In both instances they sounded smoother and more detailed, as well as gaining a greater presence that was not apparent before.
I am inclined to think it is a synergy issue. Biwiring aside, you first have to figure out what cable is going to work with your system. Then it might pay dividends to experiment. Also, Shorter is better, but I think it will pay to be realistic. Some speakers need space, and a longer run of speaker cable with offer a greater level of flexability. If your speakers are anywhere as placement sensitive as mine you will appreciate the extra length of cable.In the end, You may want to experiment with speaker placement and different cables before you make your purchase,and by then you will likely know whether you want to go the biwire route.