How do you clean your type of stylus?

We got the 1200 grit sandpaper. We got the solvent and scrubbing brush. We got the jelly dome for a couple of dips. What is the current wisdom? What are the standards and practices as opposed to the unusual cases?
Psychicanimal, Whadda youse mean by ultrapure? Reverse osmosis perhaps? Thereupon, howse to administer said fluid? And can ultrapure cleanse a diamond living in the space of high g forces and attending heat and water proof elements? Or do you never have a problem, old records or new...
I zap mine with a Cybersonic toothbrush once a week (use a stylus brush otherwise before/after play).

The ultrasonic toothbrush @ $180 (on sale) was not purchased with stylus cleaning in mind, but it works well and takes but a second.

Oddly enough I use a Water-Pik to pre/final rinse LP's (the Cybersonic replaced the Water-Pik as far as dental hygiene goes).

I've seen ultrasonic stylus cleaners for $150, or so.
i use the jelly dome. I'm a little concerned about residue, but i don't lose sleep over it.
IME LP#9 works much better than the jelly domes. You have to be sure a liquid cleaner is safe for your cartridge however. A few manufacturers like ZYX recommend against them, fearing liquid may wick up their hollow cantilevers and harm the suspension.

For a DIY alternative that works just as well as LP#9, but with a different set of risk factors, search for my thread, "DIY Stylus Cleaner."