How to dismantle Well Tempered for shipping?

How to dismantle Well Tempered for shipping?


I am trying to dismantle / pack my Well Tempered Classic early model for shipping?

How do I get the fluid out of the bearing and the viscous dampening fluid out of the arm cup?

Can I clean the cup off after getting the fluid off?

IMPORTANT: How do I get the arm off, what about the tonearm wires that’s connected to the rare of the plinth???????????????????? Do I solder and get it off?

Rap- Yes, leave it in the cup. You'll need to stuff the cup with packing material to keep the disc in place. Pack the arm carfully so that it doesn't put any strain on the string.

Also, the manual says rubbing alcohol to clean up the fluids.

Good Luck!
If you have any other questions regarding your table, email Stanalog Imports which now owns and distributes you table.
Just purchase an Ariston dc40 turntable and it needs to be refurbish. i would like some help to indentify some good repair shop. most of all some help to dismantle the unit for shipping. This is my first high end turntable all suggestion are welcome.

jimbo3 said 20 years ago that there is There is hole for an allen head set screw on the right side of the plinth. The set screw loosens the arm for VTA or removal. Take the appropriate sized allen wrench, loosen the screw a couple of turns and gently pull the arm up out of it's hole.

I cannot find any hole on the right side of the plinth...?

I want to give a try with the arm on my LP12...

The hole is of course directly under the tonearm pivot. Nice right rear of plinth