Fav Consecutive Albums by An Artist

There are periods where an artist or a group reach a creative peak and release a series of consecutive albums that are all masterpieces. These are an artists' Golden Age. Just curious, but what do you consider the golden age records of your favorite artists. Must be consecutive and "Greatest Hits" not allowed.

My fav is Stevie Wonder from:

Music of the Mind
Talking Book
Forfillingness First Finale
Songs In the Key of Life

Five incredible albums in four years.
A few more suggestions, amongst my favorites. Not all "masterpieces", but all stellar efforts:

Surfer Rosa
Trompe Le Monde

PJ Harvey:
Rid of Me
To Bring You My Love
Is This Desire?
Stories From the City, Stories from the Sea

Flaming Lips:
Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
Clouds Taste Metallic
The Soft Bulletin
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Built to Spill:
There's Nothing Wrong with Love
Perfect From Now On
Keep It Like a Secret
Ancient Melodies of the Future

Guided By Voices:
Bee Thousand
Alien Lanes
Under the Bushes, Under the Stars
Mag Earwhig

Slanted and Enchanted
Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
Wowee Zowee
Brighten the Corners
Steely Dan:

Can't Buy A Thrill
Countdown to Ecstacy
Pretzel Logic
Katy Lied
Royal Scam
Have to go along with the Dylan runs. Already mentioned, therefore no need to repeat them, except to say that if he comes out with another winner, then "Time Out of Mind," "Love and Theft," and whatever comes next will be a third or fourth great run.
John Hiatt:
Bring the Family
Slow Turning
Stolen Moments

Fleetwood Mac (modern incarnation):
Fleetwood Mac

Grateful Dead:
Workingman's Dead
American Beauty