calling all audiophiles

Is it ok to connect an amplier straight to the wall? I thought it sound better without the monster HTS 2000 power conditioner, I just dont know if it is wise to do this. Any feedback or recommendation would be appreciated.

My amp is a parasound 2205.
Yeah, things have to have a 'USA' name brand (even if it's made in China or Mexico) for you guys to buy...

What's so wrong with Yugoslavian gear? I've been to several sites and those guys *do* know their audio. Now it's a good time to buy because they're working on establishing a name for themselves in the audio market.

De Zorel is working at this time on closing a deal with a US importer. The guys at TNT Audio went on a frenzy about the DeZorel's. Even Hans-Martin (Germany) is buying one. But, they're from Europe--what do they know???

Try visiting ( for a new and fresh Hi Fi internet magazine--the Psychic's there...

As for line conditioners, I own a Tice. But the De Zorel audiophile model *is* on my upgrade list.
Chang 9900 amp works great (for amps of course) without limiting dynamics & also contains integral surge protection; it has a 30 amp current rating & very low surge impedance. More than one of my amps sounds better plugged into the 9900 amp than straight into my dedicated line, this is done along with pricey upgrade AC cords inline. Stereophile recommends the Changs; they don't limit dynamics.
ok, guys, seriously, i've not tried ANYTHING that doesn't limit or degrade dynamics other than dedicated outlets. it makes no difference what the device is called. FWIW, i'm toying now with the installation of a dedicated 220 v. outlet for my amp; i'll definitely do this if i go on the upgrade path to a boulder 1060 or 2060. in sum, i’m of the belief that it’ll sound better and cost less if you schedule your amp on your household policy and NOT plug it into anything other than a dedicated, high-quality outlet. -cfb
Kelly- I think your on to something!! 220v used with 110v gear would yield twice the output power of the amp, brilliant!! So if I do that my tube amp would produce 120watts for each channel, and the tubes would double as a night light!!!

BTW I know a great dry wall guy to plug all of those '.' holes you have in your walls ;)
tim: please give me the name of your plasterer; i'll pay his airfare. :o) BTW, the amps i'm talkin' about have user-switchable 110/220v inputs. see, e.g., :
