TG Audio vs Pursang vs Poiema Interconnects

Has anyone compared the following RCA interconnects?

TG Audio HSR
Argent Audio Pursang
Ridge Street Audio Poiema

What differences did you hear?
The best way is audition them,In my case,I do have
the chance to hear the TG audio cables both speaker
cable and and interconnect, courtesy of Essentialaudio
They are worth auditioning,very revealing and they
are not bright, which is rare.Rcrump above is the
designer, and maker.Email Him he can give you the
name of the dealer near you.I dont work for Him.
No connection either.
Sonic...Damn, I'm caught!

On a more serious note genious, I'm sorry to see you've lost your life again! LOL! Hope you able to get a life again.

Sorry for such a cheap shot but you make yourself so wide open!

Okay, I'll be good now. I promise.

Kind Regards,
LOL, Robert we all do the best we can and that is the important thing here.....
"This proves that "Lak" is a Ridge Street shill which he has always denied."

Guess I must be fortunate to have moved out of Toledo in time, 'cause it was me who was going to Beta test the speakers first...

Lak must also be Albert Porter's shill. Poor Larry--or is it poor Albert?

(This is from the Sason Ltd designer)

Psychic, I'm sure I never said "first to beta test" and I also dislike the term "beta" because it implies that my intention was to release the Sason Ltd as a preproduction design and not finalized. I've had 2 years to finalize this design so I had better have the details worked out!

Lak lives about 10 minutes from me BUT he has a great set of ears and an ability to put his finger on what he likes regarding good sound. I respect that and honored it by getting his permission to hear the Sasons.

Anyone that gets to know me will find out I despise users and posers, so they will also know, just as Lak now knows, I don't make bargains for half-truths or similar. Who would knowingly and happily want a career based on that?