Mix & Match Interconnects

For ease of system synergy, how many of you use the same interconnect between your source and pre amp as you use between your pre amp and power amp?


How many of you seek out the best performer for the position in your system?
My own experience parallels that of Jmcgrogan2. I have evolved to preferring the economical, single pricepoint, custom line of IC's, and Speaker cables from Audiogon member, Gregg Straley. There is synergy in them there hills, for sure. Great sound, modest cost, what's not to like? Plus, it's fun to have visitors unable to believe you spent so little, after their demo discs sound so good.
Same here for me in regards to using exclusivly Ridge Streets. Iv'e always mixed and matched cable either just to evaluate or based on the best application in my 2 channel cd/analog set up, perhaps prefering to use one manufactures cable for CD and another for mt turntable and phono. Certainly nothing wrong here as long as the application works in your system. With the Ridge Streets its same as what Albert Porter mentioned..same company with different levels of quality for the application.
I believe in using one single maufacturer, although I consult with the owner of the cable manufacturing company regarding product application. My two channel system incorporates his top of the line cable for every application. My HT uses what I would consider a compromise, what the owner feels is "correct application", due to less revealing components, higher noise floor due to marginal power conditioning, less critical performance demand, etc.

I propose that many designers consider one specific element of design playing a higher level of importance to the completed product. Whether these specific elements are in regards to physical configuration, or inductance/capacitance, or shielding, or fit & finish, whatever. It is ultimately what the designer feels is a priority in their particular design criteria. Personally? I feel it is what creates that specific manufacturers "synergy" or "personality". I feel that this becomes evident when each individual manufacturer's cable displays different types of sonic characteristics. Whether those characteristics could be considered pleasing is a matter of personal preference.

The manufacturer I have chosen, places priority in quiet signal transfer. This is a specific element that he considers highly important. He firmly believes that the quieter the better. He also feels that there are many, many benefits to producing the absolute quietest cable possible to the best of his ability. Increased resolution, dynamic range, high definition sound stage are just some of the residual benefits. It shows.

Are there "better" sounding cable combinations available? Maybe.
Are there "different" sounding cable combinations available? Absolutely.
Are there "quieter" sounding cable combinations available? I doubt it.
But, if you find one, let me know.
I don't really have a problem mixing cables. Yes, I do use my favorite interconnects starting at the CD.

I am of the opinion that decent quality Acoustic Zen, XLO, etc. cables are better terminated and of superior quality than what one usually finds at Radio Shack, Circuit City, etc. This is probably enough.

I think that the perfection sought through subtle differances in cables is undermined by slight variations in CD productions, amp quality, speaker quality and room accoustics.

I am sure room humidity, time of day, the long drive home you just got out of and the quality of what is in your glass are of even greater factors than the brand of your interconnects.
Like Jmcgrogab2, my entire system is wired with Tara Decades (balanced). Well, that was true until yesterday when my Air 1s arrived. They are now between the DAC and preamp and are currently breaking in.