I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me

I want a speakercable that makes more voices more alive and that has a real "kick" with drums without being warm in mids and lows. I would prefer Audioquest.

Perhaps Volcano ?
Grisslehamn, Miami in August will be pretty darn different from Sweden. Hot and muggy! Too much for this SoCal boy.
To second Gunbei - Miami in August? Sorta like Stockholm in January - What were you thinking.
There's a local chain called Sound Advice which sells Krell, Martin Logan etc., and relies on name recognition more than solid equipment selection. The sales geeks don't seem to know too much other than look stunned when you indicate Krell isn't your first choice for processors.
Throw the DK integrated at 'em - that'll score you style points!
well i love heat(like Oklahoma in July) and i hate Stockholm(i live here)in January
but this Jan was OK.