How many years before MP3 becomes king?

I was reading about one unit that plays CD's pretty decent, but also stores 300 hours of 128 bit music. It has every type input and output imaginable and could be the world's greatest jukebox.

Sound quality was compared to early CD's played on first generation CDP's. The author wouldn't predict how many years (months) it will take for enough bandwidth and other factors to happen for the MP3 to musically surpass even SACD and DVD-A.
The purpose of MP3 was to allow you to compress music files because storage space was expensive. Also, to allow faster downloads over dialup connections. Now with big cheap harddrives, cheap memory cards, and broadband who needs MP3? I'm sitting here at a computer with 450Gigs of storage. The first harddrive I had was only 5 megs! The first computer I purchased only came with a cassette tape drive. I added on a 100k floppy drive for $1400.00!