Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
I am actually using my first name. I'm the third in our family and figured no one else has this name so go ahead and flaunt it.I go under the username "Dorkbrains" in Ebay.I tried Sherod and someone else was using it.Go figure.I was tired that night and tried some of my favorite nicknames to find they were all being used so I went with "dorkbrains" out of frustration.Needless to say, growing up with a name like Sherod,for a boy, that was tough in a small, "red-neck" town.I once told my parents they should have named me Sue...
SwampWalker: No offense, but after El Dragon's post a few years back I always "think" SwampKiller though I read SwampWalker (can't get that one out of my head:-).
Dekay, maybe you've solved the Swampwalker mystery?!?!

First initial for Wayne, last name. I should have used Hopey which is my fiancee's nickname. That way we could be spending more quality time together...
I get asked this a lot. I was one of the very first internet junkies at AOL over ten years ago (time flies!). At that time, there was only one user name per subscriber. My roommate and I were huge Pippi Longstocking fans and decided this would be a good common denomintor for the two of us. I ended up with the name for the long term.
Mine is a nickname given me by my younger brother when we were kids, itself a suffixed version of a corruption of his original attempt at pronouncing my actual name when he was a toddler, and couldn't quite say it: "Aikes" (silent "a", long "i" sound, silent "e" - rhymes with "likes") + "Z" = "Zaikes", + "-man" = "Zaikesman" (to say it like my brother, the "a" in the "-man" part should be swallowed short, not enunciated). Did anybody guess that my name is Alex?

P.S. - Cham, I'm jazzed to find another fan of Birdy and the boys in these parts!