AH Njoe Tjoeb 4000 or Consonance cd120 ??

I would like to upgrade my CDP. I'm using a Primaluna Pro Two integraded amp, and thought that the Njoe Tjoeb 4000 player would be a great match. I've also heard great things
about the Consonance product as well. I know the NT 4000 is
basically a Marantz, and that both are Chinese made.
One thing bothers me alittle. The NT 4000 looks so middle
of the road, like it came from Best Buys or Circuit City.
The Consonance looks more high end, very simple all metal
construction with a clean faceplate.
Has anyone compared or listened to both of these units?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I did consider your Cairn Fog v.2 but correct me if I'm
wrong, I heard that it doesn't offer coax connections.
Only optical and balanced.
The Primaluna Pro Two doesn't offer balanced connections.
Markeetaux, the Fog offers both RCA and XLR analog outputs, as well as the digital output. I have mine connected to my Prologue Two with Kimber Hero RCA's. Feel free to email me if you'd like more information on this player.
Its going to be tough to determine which player to get without trying these out on your own. It always seems that everyone says all these players are great in this price range and I'm sure they are. In my case, with no dealers around me, I had to jump in blindly. Just be assured that you have a truly fantastic integrated in the Primaluna. My opinion has always been that the speakers and the amp are the most important components (controversial, I know).

I'm going to order the upsampler and a new set of tubes for the AH! soon. One thing to consider is that if you buy a solid state player, your spending is more than likely complete. Tube rolling costs money. If I do not hear differences when rolling tubes with the AH!, I will consider this purchase not up to what was advertised. So far, out of many online postings, I have only come across a few people where this was the case so I am optimistic.
I am a Consonance CD 2.2 owner, and I recommend it highly. On the RCA side it has tube output and a volume control on the remote. On the XLR side, no tube, but it is FULLY balanced. I think it still sells for less than $1500, and it weighs in at about 35 lbs.