From the Seventies, I remember fondly the
Sonus Blue phono cartridges,IMF,Sonab,Fried and TDL speakers, Fulton speakers and cables, Dual turntables, Connoisseur turntables, Audionics of Oregon,ESS Speakers with their Heil Air Motion transformer drivers,Dahlquist,Cizek,and Luxman. Mostly, I miss the pair of Audioanalyst M6 Phase Matrix speakers I owned back in the day. They were a 1977 vintage 3-way speaker that the manufacturer claimed were time and phase correct.
From the eighties, Threshold, Apogee, Forte'(Threshold's second line), Counterpoint, Synthesis speakers, and most of all Spica. Too bad John Bau didn't stick with designing high-end speakers. I still consider the TC-50 an inspired work.
More recently Cal Audio Labs,EAD, and Melos.