Aerial vs B&W vs Dynaudio vs Silverline

I want to upgrade my speakers. I have Linn 5140. In my area I am limited to Aerials and BW. Thinking about Aerial 7b or maybe 8's or B&W 803. But Should I make the effort to travel and listen to Dynaudio 3.3 or Silverline Sonatas.
I have VTL pre/amp with Linn cd player. I would appreciate your thoughts. Music- all kinds.
I am agree with both audiophile, try dynaudio and using ss amp which is around 200 watts high current.
The Dynaudios are great speakers but will probably not be a good match for your Linn 5140 as they really require a powerful, high-current amp to come alive. They can sound a tad soft and dull on Linn amps (klimax excepted!). You might want to look at easier to drive speakers like the Silverline. The Ariels and B&W, although having different tonal characteristics, are also fairly hard to drive.
I replaced my Dynaudios which sounded great but need a lot of SS power with Silverlines and which are more refined and easier to drive.