How long it take to run in brand new loudspeaker?

I just bought a pair of QUAD 11L Bookshelf and found that the high is bit soft, is that due to insufficient run-in?
I've only run in two pairs of high end speakers Sonus Faber Concertinos and ProAc Response 1SCs, and in both cases they sounded on the thin, tizzy side brand new. After a month or more of play, the midrange was more open, the treble relaxed yet still detailed and overall more liquid. Also soundstaging grew and center focus locked in better.
I have just confirmed that It is due to insufficient run-in. After 90hrs of usage, the baby quad produce highs so beautifully that you cannot believe it come from a budget speakers!

I have just confirmed that It is due to insufficient run-in. After 90hrs of usage, the quad high is so beautiful that you cannot believe it come from a budget speakers!

Ahh, that's great to hear. Literally! I've found that some components can take much more than 90 hours to burn in sometimes over 500, so it's possible you might enjoy further improvement. Have fun.
I recently heard the new Monitor Audio Silver S line of speakers and they sounded fantastic right out of the box. I mean they were unpacking them before I listened to them.

There have been many threads on different forums on this exact topic and I wonder how much is psychology and how much is break in. On one forum somebody mentioned that he couldn't measure the break in, even though he heard a difference. If can't measure it, is it actually there?
