What Speaker are Great for Rock and Roll $5K-20K

My bother just bought a Krell FPB-300 and Krell pre-amp.

He wants to play Rock and Roll,

I tried to explane to him that this equipment is best for Jazz and Classical music.

I would like some help if possible on this one.

Thank you
Holz...good point...some have misinterpreted my posts...I am by no means "anti-rock"...c'mon Im from Detroit...but if your primary goal is to simply "rock"...and rock well...I think spending an absurd amount of money is somewhat foolish...that being said...those who do...end up "widening" their musical tastes to incorporated jazz,classical,etc...since upgrading myself...nowhere near your level...but very good Brit monitors...I have found myself expanding my tastes...fusion jazz,etc...by the way...I am a huge rush fan...go figure...those Canadians kickass...
You know there are alot of factors which the answer depends on.Like what size room and your taste in speaker's.One man or womans taste might be really different than another's.

In my limited experience you really have to go after these things by yourself.Some people are happy with Bose or Boston Acoustics.That is extreme,but true.

Klipschorns seem like a good choice if Rock is what you are after with Bass,but you could get a SET amp to drive them.

If Bass is a real priority get Dual Subs and Speaker's that are great for the upper ranges.There are many to choose from.
Try some new design horns ,like an oris or avantgarde system ,blows everything I have owned or heard away ,including many of the speaker systems listed here, avalon ,martin logans ,B&WS, thiels, etc.not the cheap models ether.great for all types of music but rock or punk sounds like the real thing even if the recordings are not so hot .
NEat Elites.

the vmps website also has a five speaker review by Listener magazine which describes the Elites.

Or try:
search on NEAT