good speakers matches for jolida 302b

Trying tubes out for the first time and am looking for anyone who has advice or has matched the jolida 302b with a particular speaker and thoughts or recommendations. Looking to spend $1,200 to $1,600 for the speakers. Front end is a Rega Planet with Kimber 8tc cable. My musical taste are all over the place. Thanks
The Soliloquy line is pretty nice and affordable. I am using 5.3s. I once barrowed a Jolida 102b, and I enjoyed the result. At 90db, these floor standers don't need a lot of power. In fact, I am currently playing around with an ASL MG-S115 DT, which can be run in pentode @ 15 w/channel OR triode--AT a mere 5 watts! They sound sweet!
I second the Soliloquy 5.3s!I have heard them on a setup similiar to yours.The combo for the money will be hard to beat.Good Luck!
I 2nd the VR-2's, probably the best speaker under $4k and sound great with low power tube amps. They are a little over your budget($2495), if you have a small room, the VR-1's ($995) are very close in performance. Haven't heard the Europa's, but Green Mountain has always made great sounding stuff.
In your price range, I would say the three speakers I would recommend are:

1) Totem Arro. Exceptional sound, I would have no reservation going with this combination myself. In fact, one day, I might simplify and do just that. Misses the bottom octave, but the rest of it more than makes up for it. A very live sound, that just begged the question, "Why would anyone ever spend more?" Perhaps the most amazing soundstaging I have ever come across.

2) Coincident Triumph UHS. This is the best small loudspeaker I have come across under $2500. If I do ever simplify, this would be the other speaker on my short list. Would have to A - B them with the Arros.

3) Von Schweikert VR1. Treble a bit better than the Coincident, but the Coincident walks away from it in probably every other regard, especially the presentation(clarity, coherence, extension, ability to play clean - no congestion) of the low frequencies. Still, this is the second best small loudspeaker I have come across under $2500.

By the way, the VR2 is quite a nice speaker at its price point, but one should really give a listen to the new Freid and JMlabs Electra lines before declaring the VR2 to be the best speaker under $4K