Amplification with Harbeth Loudspeakers

Anyone have suggestions for partnering electronics with Harbeths? I have Compact 7's and am considering Bryston or Audio Research. Any thoughts?
i just auditioned naim audio 250 amp and 282 preamp and it sounded fantastic!
I'd go with the Bryston out of those two.

they are an easy load and work with many things, tubes from 15w and up, or of course SS.

My friend is using a Meridian 557 amp, Meridian 502 preamp with the Harbeth.
Thats a great combination.
I've heard Bryston with Spendors and the pairing was really very good - most people say that Harbeths and Spendors have similar sound characteristics. I should admit that I have no personal experience with Harbeths, so take my comment for what it's worth.

Good luck!