Oskar - Chizzill. I said that I don't know if the ones I heard were burned in, who knows. The electronics were good, (middle of the Classe range gear) the room was pretty good, the sound was bad. I certainly am not convinced that no one else could like them - but I would also certainly recommend hearing what else is out there before buying them.
$500-$1000 speakers I've heard that sounded better than the 703s when I heard them-
GR Research Paradox 1
GR Research A/V
Klipsch KLF 20 (with SET amp)
Von Scweikert VR1
Dynaudio 52
GMA Europa
Quad 12L/21L
Bottlehead Straight 8
Granted, some of those are standmounts and are missing the bottom hz, but add an Adire Audio Rave sub for $400, and you're in business full range.
$500-$1000 speakers I've heard that sounded better than the 703s when I heard them-
GR Research Paradox 1
GR Research A/V
Klipsch KLF 20 (with SET amp)
Von Scweikert VR1
Dynaudio 52
GMA Europa
Quad 12L/21L
Bottlehead Straight 8
Granted, some of those are standmounts and are missing the bottom hz, but add an Adire Audio Rave sub for $400, and you're in business full range.