Green Mtn Europa vs. Von Schweikert VR1

I notice that there were a couple of comments on these speakers and how the europa blew away the VR1 in side by side comparisons. I owned the europa for quite a while then sold them to buy the spendor 3/1p. I wanted a good sounding speaker with a great wooden finish and I think I did pretty well. But after a while the speaker sort of bored me and I sold them. I found a good deal on the VR1's through a dealer and purchased them sight unseen and unheard. Basically purchased them based on reviews. These speakers had a beautiful finish and the sound to me is lively and very open. They have very good detail and bass for their size. My question is , since I don't have the europa's to compare them to, what are the major differences. Bass has got to be one because of the size of the cabinets. The europa is much larger. I really did love the sound of the europa's and would have kept them if they had matched my decor. Just looking for some comments or maybe some persuasion to purchase another pair of the Europa's if they are really that much better!
Hey, I think I've heard of these Euorpas, heard they're pretty good speakers.
Wizard: let me see if I have this straight. You owned the Europas and now you own the VR1s and you want other people to tell you what the differences are between the two? You need to trust yourself, man! With which pair did you get off the most on the music?
This is just too funny. Wizard man you should tell US, what is better, not other way around!
I think he's ordered them and waiting for them to arrive and getting quite antsy thus this thread....
It is hard to compare speakers that you previoulsy owned with current are just going from memory which can often be selective.

Just to follow-up on what Songwriter said, in general terms the Europas would be great choice if you play mostly rock/alt music, they are forgiving and musical yet still capable of very good detail, a full natural sound. I really enjoy them overall, but other speakers do certain things equal or better at same price level.

The VR1 has more open detailed treble vs Europas, but will be less forgiving of poorly recorded material. On the other hand VR1s will present fine details that Europa can only hint at. I do play rock music with VR1 but have to make some cable changes warm sound up and dial back treble energy a bit. This is why I say VR1 ideally mates best with slightly warm to neutral system.

I tend to "collect" monitor speakers, have 4 pairs now and enjoy switching them in and out of my systems. Hate to sell great speakers that sound so good for such a reasonable price.