Speaker choices, $1000-2000 Smooth & Musical


I am in the process of upgrading my speakers and would like to know what floor standing models I should began my search with in the 1K-2K range. I am interested in full range or near full range sound that is smooth and musical. I am not interested in anything overly analytical but would like a certain measure of transpancy and detail. Here is what I have looked into so far:

Proac Response 1.5
Proac Studio 250
Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MKII
Sonus Faber Grand Piano
Soliloquy 8.2

What are your opinions regarding my choices within this price range? Are there any other candidates I should look into? From my research so far, I am partial to the Proac's but would like advice from others who have more experience than I. Thanks in advance
I second the Paradigm 100 recommendation. But I also have to add the new kid on the block, the Gallo Ref 3s. They are ASTONISHINGLY good speakers and I recently saw a pair on Audiogon for $2k. I'd buy them in a heartbeat if I had the bucks...

I second the tyler selection, his ref monitors or linbrook are very effecient and musical. Call him and see if he will arrange to ship you a pair to demo in your own home.
another option is Silverline audio(Sonatina-Panatella) I own all of these speakers and can attest to their smooth and musical nature
If you're considering the ProAc Response 1.5s and Studio 250s, also think about the D15s which replaced the 1.5s. I see some pop up now and then for under $2K.
I like Bigkidz recommendation of Alon II or IV. They are definitely smooth & musical.
The other one that shocks me as to have not been mentioned here so far is the Vandersteen. The 2CE and predecessors are the #1 selling high end speaker of all, from what I've read. Something like 50k pairs have been sold. You could probably find their 3A below $2k used. They aren't perfect, but given your priorities, you owe it to yourself to hear them. They also hold their value well, and are easy to sell if you ever decide to go in another direction. Cheers,
can't believe none of the responses so far has failed to mention the magnepan 1.6 speaker.hands down the best speaker in that price range. it deserves an audition at the least.