integrated amp for totem dreamcatcher monitors

I just purchased a new set of totem dreamcatcher monitors with a small sub, i had been considering arro and rainmaker alone but this particular monitor sub combination sounded great, i am still waiting for arrival and will have to see how it sounds at home, but i was hoping for some suggestions for an integrated that might work well with these little speakers, i am considering some cheaper integrated ss stuff such as NAD C320bee, or C352, or Cambridge audio 640a. additionally i am considering more expensive ss stuff used like musical fidelity x-150, music hall mambo, or maybe cheaper used tube amp like jolida 40 watt. Despite their small size the Dreamcatchers are very power hungary, they are 4 ohm and not very sensitive, in fact totem reccommends more power for these than for the arros or rainmakers. All commentary over mentioned amps as well as non-mentioned amps is welcome.
Thank you very much
I'd recommend a used Bryston B-60. I've seen them on here lately for as low as $650, making them one of the best deals in used audio. It was my first "real" amp and it still brings back fond memories, even as I've descended into serious tube lunacy.
My Bryston B-60 was my first "real" amp also...I gave it to my dad to "keep it in the family"...that's how much i liked it.

I only have the experience with the Model 1's. However, you have some very good suggestions above to consider. I do not see a bad suggestion in the entire thread. Good luck.
