Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
The Thrills, My Morning Jacket, Flaming Lips-Okay this one has been a year or so, but I finally got it on vinyl...

Cheers, Spencer
Over the Rhine; first I discovered the Blue Tanyas which led to the Rhine girls. Also, Lea De Laria--a friend sent me two of her CDs recently.
Never really went in for trad jazz, but got a free sampler with my last order from Tower on the Preservation Hall label featuring, inter alia, Shake that Thing, Hot 4 with Duke Dejan and The Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Great stuff. You can still hear the strains of marching bands in some of this music so you know it's a hell of a lot closer to the beginnings of jazz than to Bebop. It has a flavour all it's own; pretty good for the jaded palate.
Sisters and Brothers- Eric Bibb, Maria Muldaur and Rory Block. Soulful blues on the Telarc label that is recorded exceptionaly well. Haven't been able to keep in out of my cd player.