An A-B test
Playing Ane Brun: These days (from the It all starts with one LP)
(System: Lyra Atlas / SME V / Hanss T30 / Io Eclipse / Einstein The Tube / Atma-sphere MA-1 / Audiokinesis Dream Makers)
A - direct from Io Eclipse to MA-1 amps
B - through Einstein The Tube
The song is a good test case, an upfront but intimate and partly subdued female singer, plus heavy drums and bass work. It is the balance of these elements that make out the song.
Case A:
This is the first time I have tried direct to the amps since I got the new preamp four weeks ago. As often before, at first, I am amazed just how good the Io is direct into the amps. Delicate, intricate, organic, detailed. The vocal is right there. It is only after a while that I recognize the problems. Sound is detailed but not quite right. Body and drive and punch is missing. The voice is a bit ghostly. Turning up the volume doesn't help, it only means more of the same. Almost like a very high-quality photo, that hasn't been fully developed yet.
Case B:
With The Tube into the chain, some detail may be lost, but not much, and the whole thing feels right. Bass, vocal, everything is more filled out, working better together. The drama in her voice and in the band as a whole is better captured, making a more consistent and convincing picture.
My wife was listening during this test. Her verdict was: B is clearly better. So I would say, the Tube passed this test with flying colors. YMMV etc.