Repair-Restoration Tech for Vintage Sansui Amps??

Looking for recommendations of reliable Vintage Amplifier repair-restoration specialists-

-specifically with experience on the venerable SANSUI- AU line of amps from the 70's.

Anywhere in US recommendations appreciated,

Thanks much!!
Agon mbr - Ezekiel has a lot of experience repairing, modding vintage gear. He completely recapped/modded my friend's Sansui receiver and aligned the tuner about 5 years ago and it still works perfect today. He's experienced, knowledgable, and honest. A big thumbs up for Ezekiel (Randy Young). Check out his feedback.
Just be advised to the fact that some series of vintage Sansui amps have issues with the glue that was used to hold the capacitors to the circuit board. That glue, over time, became caustic and started to corrode the leads on the capacitors themselves. It can also damage the traces on the circuit board. If this is one of those amps, it will be necessary to remove all the caps and thoroughly clean the board before the new caps are installed. This is not an inexpensive procedure. Just a heads up.
Call Bill or e-mail him at I REBUILD

He also handles Sansui and old Pioneers and did incredible work for me!
Good luck
