Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power

Looking if anyone has views / experience with Siltech cables between Pass Labs Pre and Power amps? I'm looking at "Explorer" series and maybe "Ann" series.
Other considerations I thought of were Transparent "Ultra" and Silent Source "Signature". System will be mainly digital source. Tks in advance..

PS Other recommendations welcome.
Quality you can hear in every different room.

These days with roomacoustic systems the freedom to get a good result even in bad acoustic situations is a lot easier.
Dear BVdiman,

I sell 3 brands; Audioquest, Kimber and Purist Audio. Often I sell 1 or 2 cables. It is only a part of a set. These cables are compared with others most of the time.

When I know what equipment a client owns and what he wants to change I bring in a cable which will fit into his demands. I work very precise.

My focus is on how I see what should be the blueprint of the absolute sound. I have already written this. I use these cables and brands to achieve this.

I sold Nordost for over 9 years of time. And sold a lot Valhalla in the past. Owned it for over 12 years of time. Nordost does not have all parts in one cables which I need for the absolute sound. That is why I sold it often with Kimber cables togheter in ther past. To make it more complete. Blacks and a small and intimate individual focus of instruments are the weakest points of Nordost. I can demo this very precise why it is not complete.

I use properties of cables to make a set more complete. The same as I use the properties of amps, sources, speakers and conditioners etc. That is a different approach.

I would never recommend to use cables from one brand. The synergie stories are one of the biggest bullshit stories in audio. It is not about what they say but about what you hear.

That is why the best and most convincing sound Always will win. And that makes audio a lot more easy.
Ok.. I've completed my demo's. I purchased PAD Museaus Luminist rev (new) speaker cables and XLR's for between Tannoy D700's, Pass Labs XA30.5, Pass Labs X1 and Oppo 105. I was blown away and i'm very new to all this. but
for price and performance i find these amazing. Now.. a dealer let me borrow Venustas AC power cords (one for each component). I'm not sure i can go back. Again i'm new to this but did as advised.. and i can hear the changes with each one. So as it stands, I purchased 2 Ventustas AC cords.. and have a Canorus arriving to compare for the power amp. I'm told these are unreal.. but this whole experience has been amazing.. Can't wait to hear these...
What I said many times: Purist makes the best powercables on this planet!!
Whats weird.. and i'm not sure this sounds right.. but seems power cords have a bigger effect on sound that interconnects... not sure if correct.. but i'm thinking i'd have to really move up in any line.. to get these effects with just interconnects. Just seems bottom from top thinking.. just interesting.