I don't have room for stands so I would like to hear from you how much would I loose having the LS 50s placed in a long wooden low cupboard (the speakers will be at ear level at about 40cm from the back wall. One of them will be closer to the right wall (at about 40cm) and the other will be much farther from left wall (about 3 meters). The speakers will be about 3 meters from one another. Does this placement make sense? Is it worth purchasing these speakers for such a set up, or are there other speakers that have a less critical placement.
I think I read somewhere that the ls50s are based on older nearfield monitor designs and that some of teh best listening results have been reported from those listening in a more near field type setup. My experience with the ls50s was pretty consistent with this.

I got to hear another agoner's ls50s on my system in both a larger and smaller room in my house. They were underwhelming in the large room, which would have been a tall challenge given their size, but did very well in the smaller room in all regards. Did not get to listen nearfield, but I suspect that would have been quite ideal,especially given their point source like concentric driver design.
Hi,Im finding my ls50 very good in a large room,I had to play around with power and interconnect cables.Im not missing the towers at all.One day I'll add a matching sub and should be very happy.Just my point of view.