Larry, WRONG! The distortions do not have to be there, they are very avoidable with good throat design, good phase plug design, and good horn design in both shape and materials. It is not "characteristic" in general, it is characteristic of flawed design.
And flawed design is not why horns are often very dynamic. That comes from very low excursion, resultant great linearity, and the fact that the horn is an acoustic transformer, matching the impedance of the driver and the air.
I wish I could say the number of folks who have heard horns in my place and said "that's the most sweet gentle, subtle, yet most powerful system I've heard".
And flawed design is not why horns are often very dynamic. That comes from very low excursion, resultant great linearity, and the fact that the horn is an acoustic transformer, matching the impedance of the driver and the air.
I wish I could say the number of folks who have heard horns in my place and said "that's the most sweet gentle, subtle, yet most powerful system I've heard".