Help for a vinyl novice


I've swam about in hi-end audio for over a decade now, but only in the digital world. I've had plenty of experience with tubes, ss, planars, drivers, etc. However, i'm making the plunge into the deeper waters of vinyl. Whenever I see a good, "entry-level" tt for sale, I immediately start researching it here and elsewhere online. And, of course, there are as many good reviews as there are detractors and I end up with cold feet.

Could someone point me to a solid tt under $1K, including arm and cartridge? I'm not averse to upgrading either at a later date and feel comfortable enough to undertake such an upgrade as needed, though not immediately.

I have a pair of Reference 3A de Capo i's being powered by an LSA Statement integrated with an MM phono input. My listening room is small - 10'W x 12'L x 7'H - and I have an 8" Velodyne sub lurking in the corner.

Maybe take a look at what's being offered now and advise? or advise what to look for in future listings?

Thank you much,

The Clearaudio Concept that is on sale by me (another analog novice), is a great choice. I thoroughly enjoyed this table, its almost plug and play.
I think what you really need to do intially is to set a budget for a TT/cartridge combo. Since you do not have a MC stage exclude the likes of any Dynavector (ie 10x5 that was mentioned earlier) I am not a used junkie for TT's myself unless it is something special like an LP-12 (expensive mind you) or a more cost efficient rig like a Thorens TD-160 which I believe is far superior to any of the Japanese made units made in the 70's. Also the auto return features are also not so important in my view because in many instances the auto features malfunction and without it working properly the whole operation of the TT is compromised. Do you have a set budget? The Music Hall that Chayro mentioned is very good rigbut from what I hear adjusting the VTA is a pain. VTA adjustment I find is very important!!! Also stick with Belt Drive.
Technics 1200...proven, reliable, upgradable, holds value...another 500 on cart and preamp...its going to sound really good....
Okay - so everyone is raving about the Technics 1200. I have no experience with it, but is it really THAT good? Maybe I'm swayed against it by its reputation as a DJ tt, or that it's not belt-driven?

Would you recommend the 1200 or the Linn LP12?