Does the VPI Aries1 best the VPI Classic1?

I would think it should.
Anyone have an opinion based on side by side comparisons?
Yes, direct comparisons. I've compared Aries, Aries 3, and Classic 1. In the same system with the same carts. Aries 1 and 3 easily beat the Classic 1 in every category. I concluded that the more sturdy acrylic plinth and the non-aluminum platters (TNT and Acrylic) were the main reasons.
I have the Aries 1, and I found no reason to change to other VPI products, especially since the increase in cost never produces the 'better sound' that I would expect. Let us all be honest, Harry is a profit making machine and he does so by reinventing the 'wheel' every two years. A marketing genius he is.
It seems to me that the original Aries is the best designed turntable out there. Built like a rock and delicate enough to handle anything you can throw at it. With the right cartridge and tonearm combination this should be all the table anyone would need.
Stringreen - I respectfully disagree. The arm on the Classic should take it beyond the Aries 1, yet the overall quality falls short. Everything else being equal, the edge should go to the Classic if the aluminum platter is a step up. But the Aries 1 still covers it handily.