Led Zep Reissue on vinyl

Anyone listen yet? I haven't committed to getting them yet and am curious to hear any impressions and opinions. Thanks
I apologize if the question is inane, but is LZ IV part of this reissue undertaking as well?
Act, no not yet. The releases are in batches, the first, released at the beginning of June 2014, was the first three albums in various formats and combination packages with optional extras, bonus tracks, etc.
Page had announced all this over a year ago, if memory serves, promising that all the Zep albums would be re-released as remasters during 2014. Not sure what the next milestone date is for the next wave. Obviously IV will draw a pretty big audience. I saw somewhere that Zep is now 'charting,' at least in the UK for the first time, probably, in decades.
I'm wondering if anybody here has found any manufacturing defects in their vinyl? Overall I've found quite a few defects in NEW VINYL that I have purchased.

My Led Zep 1 came with a major defect; as I removed the disk from it's sleeve, I saw what looked to be a hair hanging from the record. I went to pull it off the disk and found it was excess edge vinyl, so I pulled and off came a piece of vinyl from the edge to the lead-in groove. So it looks like someone took a little bite out of my record.

I've encountered records with rough edges before, but this is a new one for me.
Mine also has a surface scratch on one side. I noticed this when initially unwrapping it. It doesn't affect play, so it's not a huge deal.... I will just have to lower my price when I get around to selling it.