Phono Preamp price range $2000-$4000

I want to buy new Phono preamp for Shelter 9000 cart, the sound i want very neutral and high resolution and balanced, also synergic with Krell gear.

JC3 have good reviews but some complaint its noisy, Sutherland Duo look very promising but no reviews, Pass lab XP-15 sound good choice.

I appreciate any comments or thoughts about these models particularly Duo. Also some suggestion for other phonos, most reliable and popular, also sonically impressive.


Thank you.
Make sure whatever Phono preamp you get matches up correctly with your Shelter 9000 cartridge. Below is the pertinent information you need per Vinyl Engine.

Output Impedance 11
Load Impedance 10 - 30
Recommended load is 100 ohms when using MC head amp.
Another vote for the Ayre P-5xe.
Although I may go for a Manley Chinook down the road (in addition to the Ayre).
I bought an Ayre P5-xe and highly recommend it.
You should go to the trouble to get a balanced phono cable if you can run it balanced in your system.
Music Direct has the all tube Fosgate on closeout if you don't mind a discontinued model. You will still get support from the distributor if something happens-Musical Surroundings.

$2500 retail now 1999. Its the 2nd revision which is what I purchased a year ago. I had to negotiate getting it for 2k.

Its very nice out of the box, but you can play with the tubes to tailor it to you ears. The 500 you save can be used for nos tubes and maybe a power cord.

Easily competes with all players in it's price point and maybe beyond?