Apple and Beats?

Am I way off for not liking Beats headphones? I thought they were ok if they were $30.00 but for $250.00? Another question is this a good fit for Apple? I am not a techno-geek, but does Beats offer anything than the headphones to Apple? Couldn't Apple have outsourced to someone like Harmon Kardon which I believe is a CA company and definitely is a company that knows Audio?? Thanks!
I sense a desperate (or tactical is there are some tax wright offs) move on Apples part. That, and an ignorant public who think Bose are great.

Add the fact that $2 Billion is the asking price for the Clippers and Bob's your uncle.

All the best,
Add to that some options on stock and other forms of compensation and you'll see just a continuing trend in sell outs masquerading as far sighted leadership.

I couldn't resist.

All the best,
It doesn't have anything to do with the headphones, as much hype as there is about the Beats headphones, and regardles of whether they're worth anything like what they cost, they're a tiny market compared to Apple's other hardware business.

It's about the streaming technology and the subscriber base.

Revenue from buying and downloading music, the iTunes model, is steadily dropping compared to streaming subscription revenue and Apple is buying an entry into the streaming market, based on Beats' acquisition of and the transformation of MOG into
Agree w Sfar. Cash flow, cash flow, cash flow. IIRC, the beats streaming service gives you access to what you "rent" only as long as you subscribe. If Beats music gets 10
million subscribers worldwide (not out of the question, I don't thing) @ $10/mo, that's real money ;-)