SET for Orchestral , Big Band etc.

I've always heard how suited SET amps are for vocals, chamber music, jazz ensembles, etc. And, I listen to this type of music a lot. Which is why I've decided to move to this type of system. However, after reading those opinions, I'm inferring that people are implicitly saying that these amps would NOT do as well for large orchestral or big band jazz music which I also listen to a lot of. Currently, when I listen to a symphonic piece and there is a large crescendo punctuated with a tripple forte accent, I can feel it with a big umpf! It's chilling. Will I hever have that with a SET system? Will I need a small sub-woofer? I thought sub-woofers were not very musical and used largely in HT setups. My new speakers will be much smaller than my current ones due to my small room (approx 11x13). Thanx for your thoughts.
It's not that SETs, per se, can't handle large-scale orchestral music, it's more the case of people trying to couple inappropriate speakers to low-powered SETs. I have no problems with 8 watts of SET power (parallel 2a3s) on 99 db/w efficient speakers that are an easy load. I also get reasonable volume level with a pushpull 45 amp (about 3 watts). Both can do the closing minutes of Mahler's 8th at reasonably realistic levels.

By the way, I think choral music is a much harder test of output cabability for most amps than orchestral music. At surprisingly low subjective levels, choral music can start to sound strained and rough. Try Rachmaninov's Vespers, as an example of this phenomenon.
I still say you'd better audition any horn speakers in your home. Almost a must for any new purchase but an absolute must with horns.
c123666 is right. sets with most speakers just turn to mush with classical and big band recordings. they are fine with stuff like patricia barber and...well...other stuff like patricia barber.
not agree with Jaybo, sorry. I have a set amp (master sound 845) driving my SAP J2001mkII horn/hybrid speakers. Most orchestra works sound wonderful with fast, accurate and natural music. Set amp can drive big orchestra easy, depends on matching equipments.
Patricia Barber and stuff like.... Patrica Barber, sounds fine with most of system, no need for high end system.