
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
Look, apparently, I cannot upgrade my Nuforce 8.02b's to either 8.05's or 9's. Anyhow, the 8.02's are fantastic amps in their own right. As sources, I use Linn, Ekos, Archiv(circa 1992), Mana table-APL Denon 3910 cd player(currently being modified). What does that tell you about Nuforce? If I were in the market, I would investigate the Nuforce 8's(make sure they are 8.02's), and maybe their integrated amp. I don't feel like I'm missing anything with the 8.02's, and I've listened to the 9's.
Mmakshak, I have 8.02's and 9.02's the 9's are more revealing through the full range. But, my 9's also have the wbt's and are the extended bass version. I am not sure if the two use the same power supply either. Both are really good though. I might upgrade to the 9se's. We will see when more reviews come out. Is your 3910 going to have all the bells and whistles?
Just borrowed the Nuforce SE's for the 30 day trial. Currently comparing them to my McIntosh mc501 mono's(500 watts/channel). The first thing I noticed, and I have only run them for about 1 hour is that I get about a 3db volume increase above the Macs at the same volume setting. The second thing I noticed is that if there are many instruments in the recording I can more easily hear them individually. The soundstage depth is startling. I keep looking at these little guys at a third of the power of my macs and wondering how could this be. The walls are easily shaken with bass as, same as the Macs, but the purity and clarity of the Nuforce SE's is like I have never heard before. I am currently using a Pass Labs X2.5 preamp and today will run the Nuforce's through my McIntosh c2200 tube preamp. They are driving Von Schweikert VR$ SR's. I was watching the woofers displacement and I can see more fine and rapid oscillations using the Nuforce compared to the Macs. The Macs are 110lbs each so at this point my only reservation in selling them is that I have to lift them!
Huge advantage of Nuforce is the controlled lower end and size. Someone once told me that these amps sounded lean to them. Yes, they are built that way for a reason. Very nuetral and natural sounding having great depth and openess. It is up to the individual to taylor these to there liking. Every change you make you will notice. The only thing you wont find with these is a muddy lower end. My hunch is with the tubed pre you will find the richness in the mids and not lose the highs.
do you know how many hours are on the SE's?
I only have about 1 hour on them currently. Will leave them on until Wednesday, about 100hrs.