tube amps with El 34s your favorites ??

Just wondering, what EL34 based tube amps stick out in your mind as being musical, fun to listen to etc...any, old, doesn't matter...any thoughts ?
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Grant Lumley, and TVA 10 were 2 British faves.Drove Quads,and VR 4,with more power than you would have imagined.
Second 711smilin on the Dodd's....I just got the Dodd 120's and they are really something special....
Another CJ MV-55 here.I was asked once to sell it but turned it down.Good sound indeed.It will stay in my room.
Dynaco ST-80, new release by PANOR with vintage Groove Tubes. The tubes may be worth as much as the amp and worth every penny! You won't get more detail out of an EL34 bases amp. Switchable triode/ultralinear makes it feel like 2 amps in one also.