Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Congrats. Eddie any comparisons to other preamps you have owned.
Does anyone know if one can use two different pairs of tubes without problems or do you have to go with an identical quad.
I tried two Siemans cca's in position 1&3 and two Siemans e88cc in positions 2&4. This worked quite well, though the matched quad of cca was slightly better. I also mixed EH tubes with Siemans - it was not as ideal but still OK
I've tried a lot combinations, including amperexes and telefunkens. I think all Siemens is best. Two Siemens gray plate E88cc's in the 1 & 3 positions and telefunken E88CC's in 2 & 4 did sound very dynamic; however, it seemed to flatten my already flat soundstage. I think as a concept, however, combinations worked very well in the TP 2.0.
I have reverted back to the original TP 2.0n version. The older wire harness, although not quite as quiet, sounds much more natural than the new harness( at least in the TP 2.0n version). Regarding the tube choices, I have found that an early 1960 Siemens Cca with the grey plate to sound the best in the critical 1 and 3 locations. I want to experiment with some different versions/brands in the less critical 2 and 4 locations. In the meantime, I like some late 60's(?) Siemens A-frame E88cc in those locations for now. The combination gives me a very large soundstage with excellent depth. My next minor tweak will be to experiment with some copper shielding for the old wire harness. For now, I am back to my happy-go-lucky self. I am also happy to still be in the AH preamp family, although you may call me the black sheep of the family, if you wish. (o:
Sherod,I just played the Badaboo White Xmas.
Clyde Mc'fadder and the Drifters.
Circa 1954.I had the original on a 45rpm Atlantic label.
It brought about smile (actually a grin)
Thanks for the memory.
Now i may even look into this preamp