Home Entertainment Show in Los Angeles

Has anyone ever been to this event?

I'll try to get some time to check it out this weekend.

I'm surprised no one has pointed out the big difference between the $1500 my hypothetical Honda dealer makes on the Accord versus the more than $10,000 the Wilson dealer brings down for selling W/P 8's. That is, of course the biggest difference between the comparative pricing structures and I think it argues strongly for the factory direct marketing model. If you were to buy those $30,000 Wilsons wholesale, they might cost you $18,000 and that's less than 4 times what they are worth.
Macrojack,......... it's volume. I'm sure Wilson could slash the price of their speakers if they sold more of them. They will never sell a huge volume of them....there aren't that many audiophiles. Every family has a car...some families have three or more cars. The same thing has happened with televisions and computers...sell a zillion of them and the price drops.

The speakers are worth exactly what someone is willing to pay for them. To you and me they are not worth it, but I'm sure Wilson has a list of clients that feel differently.

Inventory your own system, then tell any person that listens to music on a mass market Best Buy type system what you paid for it, if you have audiophile grade stuff, they'll surely tell you your rig isn't worth what you paid for it.

It's all a matter of personal opinion.
There simply is no way on earth that the cost of a pair of Watt Puppy 8's (might be 8A's before I finish this sentence) could possibly approach that of a loaded Accord.
When did Wilson declare itself the "Honda of the audio world"? Wilson is a high-end speaker manufacturer inside of a fringe hobby. Honda is an international manufacturer of mass-produced automobiles, dirt bikes, and generators. Wilson's value is not defined by price, which is the reason it will never speak to the Honda customer, whose every purchase is reasoned accordingly--yes, pun intended. These are two completely different markets, two completely different products, two completely different customers. There is no basis for comparison between the two, and there is certainly no bridge of common value perception that exists between them.
So why is Dave running ads justifying his price?
He wants to establish his product as a good value, something Honda has done as well as anyone.
You say there is no common ground between Wilson and Honda. I think there is.
Are there any Wilson owners out there who also own a Honda?

And, by the way, Wilson speakers are mass produced, their customers seem to argue that the value is there and Wilson would love to be dealing in Honda size numbers. That's why he employs blanket advertising.
And, by the way, Wilson speakers are mass produced

their customers seem to argue that the value is there
What does that have to do with price?