Preamps with large display needed for bad eyesight

I am trying to narrow down my choices in excellently rated preamps that also have large LED displays. I already know about the Bel Canto and Rowlands. Am I missing any others I should consider in the less than $3000 range used or new?
I have bad eyesight and can only read large volume level displays from across the room. What others am I missing?
Thanks for any help.
Bat has the 3ix for S3500 with Remote.

Wonderful sound and terrific build quality.
The Sim are the biggest I've ever seen and, as commmented already, they sound outstanding. yes I sell them but not looking for a sale, just being helpful.
Funny that. I saw the title of this thread and thought "Simaudio!!!" immediately. But a few people have already suggested that!

Would you consider a preamp with a large volume control knob which has an LED on it? I can tell at a glance how much volume I have dialled just by looking at the position of my volume control. Much easier than looking at a LED.