George, given the non-linearity of LDRs at high impedances, I don't think that it is practical to adapt your Mk II approach to a high-impedance volume control for an active preamp, whether balanced or single-ended. The Mk I approach with fixed series resistor and variable shunt LDR, may be the best that can be done in this regard. If the system is sensitive enough that in normal use the volume control is operated in the region between say -25db and full attenuation, then the Mk I approach will present a stable & benign input impedance similar to a traditional switched ladder.
A respected designer of $15K active preamps recently opined to me that approaching SOTA, the quality of the volume control accounts for 85% of the performance of an active preamp. If one is committed to an active preamp, it's nice that a few hundred dollars and some relatively simple DIY gets the job done with LDRs.
Clio09, my delay was due to the nagging fear that the failure of an LDR shunt LED will take the preamp to full volume, with disasterous conseqences downstream. A simple insurance bet is to parallel the LDR shunt with a fixed resistor, whose value is chosen to put a brake on max volume.
To control the LDR LED segments, I use a 500K dual log pot as a master volume control for coarse adjustment, and a 50K log pot on each channel to trim balance. The LEDs are powered 5V by a Twisted Pear Placid current-shunt regulator kit. This set to pass 10ma to each LED.
A respected designer of $15K active preamps recently opined to me that approaching SOTA, the quality of the volume control accounts for 85% of the performance of an active preamp. If one is committed to an active preamp, it's nice that a few hundred dollars and some relatively simple DIY gets the job done with LDRs.
Clio09, my delay was due to the nagging fear that the failure of an LDR shunt LED will take the preamp to full volume, with disasterous conseqences downstream. A simple insurance bet is to parallel the LDR shunt with a fixed resistor, whose value is chosen to put a brake on max volume.
To control the LDR LED segments, I use a 500K dual log pot as a master volume control for coarse adjustment, and a 50K log pot on each channel to trim balance. The LEDs are powered 5V by a Twisted Pear Placid current-shunt regulator kit. This set to pass 10ma to each LED.