Weights on a preamp

I have an Art Audio VPL MK2 preamp. I think, if I remember correctly, that Joe Fratus of Art Audio mentioned that some people place a weight on the top of the unit, which I assume is to dampen vibratory activity with weight pressure and its gravity. I have heard of this with speakers, but preamps? Is this geeky overkill, or does it really work? What are the opinions on this weighty matter ?
In some cases it can work depending on the gear involved, the type of stand used, or other factors. I used to place a VPI brick on top of my Spendor 1/2e speakers and they helped stabilize the speaker/stand interface. However, I find that I don't need to use any weight on my Audio Kinesis Stormbringer speakers.

I also used the bricks on my amp to some good effect, but it was a marginal difference compared with the speakers. Only way to know for sure is to try it out. Of course your selection of weight materials will also have an effect. Lead sacks seem to work well. Fine sand placed in plastic zip lock backs also are a good starting point and cheap to use for a test. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
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More than almost any other kind of electronic component, because they contain small signal tubes that are often microphonic, a tube linestage is prone to problems with vibration. It certainly does not hurt to try different forms of dampening. I personally like coupling the component to a good vibration dampening shelf, but, it makes sense to experiment with any and all of these choices.
Thanks all. This afternoon I tried putting a 2.5 pound steel weight on the pre, and did not like the result. I definitely heard a difference, there was some more subtle focus. I have a theory why it didn't work: I live in a building with a lot of vibrations, shaking at times, due to proximity to the Brooklyn bridge (which is across the street). For this reason I have invested in a great stand and I put my amp on a 4'' maple block with isolation pads on the floor. This helps enormously, and I get great sound. When the building shakes I cannot hear any change, but maybe it makes a loose metal weight on the pre rattled or ring a bit. I don't know, its only a theory, but I took off the weight and it sounds like it used to. Better. Call me a geek, but I that's how it ended.